Why I Refused Harvard University’s Scholarship

When our team met with Chief Innoson early this year, he told us a few stories about his life…. He said to us “you know I didn’t go to school. But can you believe that Harvard University has been begging me to come to their school FREE OF CHARGE, spend few weeks on the campus and they will award me the most prestigious Harvard Degree… But I told them that I don’t have 2 weeks to spend in America. They are still sending letters to my house”. Simon Musa Cornel Osigwe Umechukwu Emezie Tony etc were there.

All of us told him that Harvard University wants to associate with him because they know that he’s the Pride of Africa. They do so in order to claim ownership of his success.

Last year, 3 big institutions approached me with Fully Paid Executive Scholarship Programs. They said they have monitored my exploits in Technology especially on the African continent and will like to invest in training me. I understand that I am at a point in my career where several institutions would want to claim ownership of what we have built – you know how it feels to say “Mark Zuckerberg is an alumni of bla bla bla school whether he completed the program or not”. Schools in developed countries pay for that. It’s only Nigerian schools that don’t recognise Innovators except they are giving them Honorary doctorates. In other countries, they will invite you to school with them on a short term. Have your name as their alumi and use your story to attract thousands of people within your sphere of influence.

In my case, I accepted 2 of the offers. One is an Executive MBA and the other is an advanced program in Artificial Intelligence. They are both fully paid and both valued at over $40,000 if I were to pay the fees myself.

Some people in the comment section yesterday were shocked that a school would ask a student for recommendations 😂… some even questioned why a school charges per month 😔…You see, your experience in life is usually based on your economic power and exposure. People like Tony Elumelu will get you into Harvard University with just an email. If you don’t know this, you are still at the lowest level of life. People like Davido can get you into some top positions in some Multinationals with just an email. That’s how the corporate world functions. Recommendation is the purchasing power of Influence. That’s why you must be RECOMMENDABLE.

I will announce the winner of MY SLOT at the school today. Then I will make a post about how DISTRUST is keeping many Nigerians poor and why those who dare to trust succeed despite the risk of failure.

My name is Charles Awuzie and if an institution has never asked you for recommendations or to offer you and your nominees free packages, just humble yourself and keep growing. It’s step by step, level by level – one day at a time.

By Charles Awuzie.

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